My new camera stand…..

A little of this….a little of that…
From the guys that brought you the disposable HD video camera, comes the new adapter allowing GoPro owners to slap 2 cameras in one case, link them together and shot in 3-D HD Video.
Announcing the GoPro 3D Hero system! This new plastic housing runs around $99 and comes with a sync cable and the case to hold 2 cameras (sorry, camera’s NOT included). You’ll be up and running in no time shooting those amazing angles all in 3D. Of course you’ll still have to pull the video files from each of the SD cards and then load them into a video editing software that will allow you to create an 3-D HD video. Man….if only I knew someone who was good making 3-D HD videos….Dzignlight Studios?
During my recent move I was forced to sell my old 34″ Tube HDTV since it was huge and the built in spot for a flat screen in the new home just wouldn’t fit a tube television. At the same point I decided that it was time to let go of Cable TV, say goodbye to Comcast and slap an antenna on the roof to see what signals I could pickup. I figured between HD broadcast TV and Internet streaming, I wouldn’t miss Comcast too much.
I purchased a small NetTop PC made by Acer, the AspireRevo. The main reason I chose this PC is because it not only had an HDMI port out but also an Optical Audio port which nicely hooked directly into the surround sound system that was already in place.
The best part of all of this is that I really don’t miss cable that much. This new setup has already almost paid for itself as I’m saving around $80 per month not subscribing to Cable TV. Enhancing the images I’ve taken over the years by displaying them in 1080p in my living is just the icing on the cake.
I have to say, I love this short video clip. I attempted to publish this link a while back to a Youtube video, but they pulled it for some reason. Now it’s back. Inspiring and very true. The website they have leaves a LOT to be desired, but who ever made this clip, kudos!
It was that time of year again. Proposal time. Every year or two it’s good to create a proposal and send it to the manufactures in order to secure sponsorship. How would I make this proposal stand out and paint the image I wanted them to see. It’s always a challenge attempting to paint yourself in a great light, pat yourself on your back but at the same time do it in a way that isn’t egotistical. I’d like to think I’m a modest person, so proposals have always been a challenge for me. This year was no different.
As most of you know, my main focus is photography. And the most important thing to someone who is sponsoring you is being seen. How have I been seen? I started to list out all of the magazines I’ve been printed in over the years. The list was rather long. I turned to my bookshelf next to my desk where I keep all of the proof copies of every magazine I’ve ever had images printed in and I got an idea…..
Sometimes a picture says a thousand words……
(since this shot was taken I’ve added 1 cover and at least 5 more magazines)
Over the holidays I went to visit my parents at my brother’s place and got to play with my 20 month old nephew. I couldn’t have asked for more and a white Christmas to boot! While I was there I was also able to get my hands on my brother’s new toy, the Canon 7D. He just got this camera and after slapping one of my L series lens on it I was off to play. I’ve got to say, compared to my Canon 5D Mark II, the shutter was smooth and fast. It was a pleasure to shoot with and the quality was on par with my Mark II. I haven’t played much with the HD video on either but it was fairly easy to shoot with and use. Added to that he ended up buying B & H’s kit, which includes Canon’s 28-135mm $400 lens for an extra $200. The 7D body alone runs around $1500, but the kit that includes the 7D and the 28-135mm lens is just $1699. I owned this lens for a number of years and can say that’s its a fantastic all around lens especially if you’re looking for something to use in all conditions and NOT break the bank.
If you’ve got the 7D drop me a note and let me know how you like it!
At least once a year I make my way down to Skydive Elsinore for some reason or another and manage to squeeze in a few jumps while I’m there. This year started out with a trip down to Elsinore along with most of the tunnel crew from SkyVenture Colorado. It was their Elsinore Invasion event and enough people came down that we filled an Otter. I pointed the camera again and bit down on the switch…here are a few of the choice shots.
It was a fun event indeed. The great part about an event like this was taking people who have built up some amazing skills within a wind tunnel and helping them round out their overall skydiving in the air. Breaking off, turning 180 and tracking, diving to a formation, taking a hit in a formation. All skills that you can’t acquire indoors and must be gained with real world skydiving. All in all it was a great success and I’m sure we’ll be back with another group later on in the year.
If you’d like to see the entire event gallery please click the link and enjoy!
Turns out that Bigger IS indeed Better! I just got a text from Rook Nelson of a print that I sent up to him. It’s a shot of the most recent World Record 108-Way Headdown Formation. He got it framed and now I think he’s trying to figure out how to put it up on his wall. I have a feeling that multiple ladders and multiple people will be involved. Good times indeed!!! (If you’re curious about the scale of the picture, each of those floor tiles is 1 foot square) 😉
Well, looks like the hiatus is over. Lots going on in the past month and now I’m back and will have regular updates. A little holiday cheer, some travel to NYC & Idaho, moved into a new house, TONS of stuff to take me away from the blog. So why not start back with something worthy.
SkyVenture Colorado’s 3rd Annual Mountain State Boogie. Yup, you heard me right! A Wind Tunnel is having their third boogie and it was a BLAST and went off without a hitch! Performance Designs, Cookie Composites, UPT, Vertical Suits, Cypres were all there supporting, educating and enjoying a great time! Melanie Curtis, Nick Grillet, Derek Vanboeschoten and myself all gave seminars on different subjects, FREE tunnel time was handed out and even more cheap time was sold to all who attended. Looking forward to next year!
For more pictures check out the Facebook Album for a peak!
Just got back from a little weekend trip to New York City. Managed to run around the city for a weekend, stopped into Rockerfeller Center and caught the tree all light up. Granted I took this with my tiny Motorola Droid 2 phone, but I think it came out ok….considering the conditions.
Ok, more to come in the new year! Thanks for reading!