I might be a camera man, I might be a skydiver, I accepts certain risks every time I climb into a plane, but as amazing as this video is, I won’t ever shoot it. Sure it’s got me on the edge of my seat and I only want more, but for me, it simply isn’t worth the risk. But for those who are willing to capture this amazing footage, please, please, please…..keep it coming!
Studio Shoot: Drew
After seeing some of the shots I got with Amy a few weeks back, Drew was looking for something similar and decided to swing by and check out the studio. We changed a few outfits and got a few shots that I think made him happy. It’s funny how small of a world it really is, turns out he is a skydiver as well. Gotta love it! Looking forward to more work in the studio! I should have some prices for studio session available next week. Stay posted. In the mean time please take a look at these pictures, leave feedback and let me know what you think.

Girl on girl…..
Meet Hoku and her little sister Sasha. Hoku is just over a year old and Sasha is about 10 weeks old. They are Blue Heeler puppies! Why, what did you think you were going to be looking at? Hmmm…..
Brad and Jenny brought over their puppy along with the new addition to the family! They ran around the studio while I attempted to capture them at their best. I’m looking forward to shooting more dogs, so if you have a puppy and would like some shots, get in touch! Hope you enjoy!

Meine Sonja….
My long time friend Sonja from Germany completed her doctorate degree at a University there and decided to do an Around the World trip. Some how I manage to convince her that Denver had to one of the many stops in her 2 month journey. While she was here we talked about how the summation of her work was a book to be published about the late artist named Jeremy Blake. She was on the hunt for a publisher and I asked her if she had any good head shots for the back sleeve of the book as every good author does. Off to the studio we went and here are the results. I hope to see one of these shots on a book one day soon!

Video edit….
My buddy Atif asked me if I had any recent videos that I wouldn’t mind sharing so he could edit something and enter it into a video contest down in Texas. I gave him a few weekends at Carolina Fest as well as the AZ Challenge over Memorial Day. Here is what he came up with……Nice one Atif!!!!
CO Labor Day Road Trip…
I’ve been living in Colorado since December and I really haven’t seen much of the state. So over Labor Day I took an extra day off and headed out with Laura to explore the Southwestern corner of Colorado. Telluride, Mesa Verde, Pagosa Springs, The Great Sand Dunes, The Royal Gorge Bridge and The Garden of the Gods. It was a full weekend to be sure.

Nationals 2010
With a quick trip to Nationals behind me, I did managed to get a few jumps in with a couple of the freefly teams there. One of the teams was So Cal Converge, the current National and World Champs.

Take a peak at the full gallery here. My team on the other hand CO-TX didn’t fair so well. One of our team members had an off landing that resulted in a last second effort to avoid hidden power lines and he ended up in a tree and slightly injured. He’s walking, just a little beat up. Unfortunately we weren’t able to finish but 3 rounds thus forfeiting the chance to knock So Cal Converge from their first place seat. Oh well, next time…..but in the mean time, heal fast man!
It’s Harvet time…
When I moved to Denver I was fortunate enough to find a nice home on a Lake with a great view. I was also fortunate enough to have a huge Peach Tree in my back yard. Well people, if you live near Denver, it’s time to come over and help me harvest! If you like peaches and want a bunch of free ones, give me a call and stop on by, there is enough for everyone to go around. Take a peak for yourself….

There are obviously more peaches than I know what to do with. So seriously, bring a bag and come on by!

They are starting to fall off the tree all on their own, so I’d say it’s time to start picking! Help yourself and if you’re wondering what they look like on the inside. Well here’s a peak:

My first home Studio Shoot
I’ve been wanting to do it for a while now. I have the space for it, I bought the lighting equipment off a buddy of mine, I got the backdrops and some other necessities and my home studio was ready to be broken in with it’s first Shoot. The lucky winner was Amy McIlwain. She is a friend of a friend in Denver that is branching out to try her hand at her own business and needed some professional shots to help market herself and her comapny.

Her company has a niche in the Financial Services industry implementing social media marketing strategies for other companies. Take a peak at her website here. Also, please let me know what you think of the shots.
I’m also GIVING AWAY 2 MORE FREE STUDIO SHOOTS to the next two people that contact me. If you want shots for yourself, your family or your dog, please contact me and let me know. I’d be happy to pass on the details (Studio time is free, prints are for purchase). I’m still learning about lighting and angles, etc…..so the free shoots are going to be partial classroom time for me as well.

I hope you all enjoy the shots and I’m really looking forward to doing more studio work from my home and on location.
New toys……
Everyone needs new toys now and then. Well Canon just announced a new 8-15mm f4 L Series Lens to be released in January 2011. It’s supposed to retail for around $1400, but we shall see. Not sure if this will be the next lens to be added to the collection, but it’s on the list. Let’s see how the reviews look first.