Once upon a time, Lesley Gale was the editor at the BPA’s (British Parachute Association) publication, Skydive the Mag. A few years ago she left there having gained many years of experience running a magazine geared towards skydivers, by skydivers and specifically for skydivers. She had a vision of what she wanted in a magazine, but wanted a different venue, a new medium to share the stories that were happening in the industry. As with most forms of print media, she turned to the web and has created a digital outlet for her vision.
SkydiveMag.com was just released a week or two ago and is a new approach at story telling for skydivers. Having had a good working relationship in the past with Lesley, she asked if she could use lots of my shots to help get her online magazine off the ground.
So when you have a chance, take a look at a pictorial of flying over the Palm, or how to do a Wingsuit Rodeo or even how to fly with a tube for that matter. I also have the profile shot for a story that was done on Amy Chmelecki and another story that was done on flying with cameras. So take a look around and enjoy the new magazine. Leave comments, share your thoughts and share some stories online with social media. Be part of the conversation and let me know what you think of this new venture.