For the past decade, I think it’s fair to say that I’ve had the majority of my summers planned out by late winter. Not every minute of every day mind you, but at least close to half of the weekends from April to October. Skydiving is an interesting, exhilarating, time taking, life consuming beast of a ‘hobby’. Who’s going to that boogie, well I have to go to that one, it was great last year! The reasons go on and on, much like the list of events that start to pile up, with a stack of plane tickets that match those dates and locations with my name on them. What’s a boy to do? I have a camera, people seem to like the pictures that I take, I love doing it, so why not go and play for a spell?
The past year as well as this one, I’ve made a point to have a life. I acknowledge that I can’t go to every single event, all the time. This being my 16th year in the sport I’m realizing that I don’t want to go to every single event, every weekend! I want to have a life and enjoy the world around me, the mountains, my friends and yes, a fun skydiving event here and there is a nice bonus. So why can’t I pick and choose? Maybe I’m just spoiled?
With all of that said, if you’re wondering where I’ll be this summer and when you can jump in front of my lens, literally and figuratively, I will post them now. Granted things do change, events get added and removed, so feel free to double check if you’d like to meet up and get some shots! If you see me there please don’t hesitate to come up and grab me and say hey, can you come and film our jump? If I’m not already on a load, let’s go!
Looking forward to seeing you again this summer and if I haven’t met you yet, then maybe it’s just a matter of time.