It doesn’t happen often, but every now and then I actually have a picture taken of me. I guess that partly explains why when picking up the last issue of Parachutist I flipped right past a full page ad that PD ran with me in it! Ok, maybe it was that and the fact I’m wearing a friends helmet that’s 2 sizes too big and someone elses rig, but either way someone else had to ask if it was me and I said….’Oh Yeah! That’s IS me!’ Good times! This shot was taken by Nik Daniel while we were jumping at Palatka shooting the entire PD Armada for future ads and other marketing material.

Both of these shots were taken while jumping Performance Designs new Optimum Reserves. The shot below I took while flying a PD OP 143. Not only is it a great canopy, but it can give you a real nice swoop as well!