If you were following me on my old blog over on Myspace during my travels in 2007 / 2008, I’ve migrated all of those blogs over here for historical reference and will discontinue use of the Myspace blogs. It was great for the time, but now this blog (directly located at blog.brianbuckland.com) is much more professional and easier for readers to navigate and use. There is a link directly from my website at brianbuckland.com and it’s easier for anyone to leave their $0.02.
So don’t be as surprised as my nephew was during his first flight lesson. Sure he was only 4 months old at the time, but hey, you have to start some where. With that said, I hope you enjoy my shorter, more frequent blog posts about interesting things that I happen to capture on film….errr….on compact flash card. While accurate, that just doesn’t quite have the ring to it. Well, enjoy nonetheless!